Friday, April 25, 2014

First Post - Day 1

This blog is just going to be a place for me to keep a journal concerning my one-year HealthyWage challenge.  I committed to pay $46 a month with the chance to win back $1840 if I can lose 65 pounds over the course of the next year.

It's going to be incredibly difficult, but I am going to do it.  I'm so tired of being overweight.  I've made decent attempts at losing weight before, even losing 30 pounds over the course of a few months for our Europe trip, but this is going to be the one that sticks.

Last night I did my official weigh in video, and came in at 238.8 pounds.  It's a ridiculous number, bigger than I've ever been in my life.  That's OK.  At this time next year, I'll be under 173 and feeling great.

Also last night I a running app called "Zombies, Run!"  It is a serialized story line geared toward helping you get healthy by running.  I think it is going to be a lot of fun.